





また、クライアント様の「作りたいもの」と、作成していく制作物のイメージのすり合わせを、画像や言葉で細やかにいたします。 ちょっとした書類もわかりやすく作成するなど、幅広くお手伝いいたします。






学生時代、美術部に所属。油絵やアクリル画を描くことが好きで、もともと絵やデザインに興味がありました。赤い羽根ポスターで表彰されたことをきっかけに「人から選ばれるためには、どうすれば良いのか」を考えるように なりました。

得意 : 文章


企業のダイレクトメール文章作成、ブログやキュレーションサイトの文章の作成もしております。 どんなふうにしたら、商品やサービスを好きになってもらえるのか、考え文章にするのが好きです。

好き : 英会話

英検2級・CEFL B1と、高いレベルではありませんが、英会話ができます。外国人の方との仕事のやりとりや、海外のお客様への接客経験もあり、即興でのご説明や、わからないことの質問など、簡単な会話は可能です。


aa designの由来

Aa designという名前は、私の名前の頭文字である「A」と、いつも応援してくれる大切な海外の友人「エーさん」に許可を得て名付けました。


たくさんの方々の温かい応援をいただいて活動しているAa design


photoshopアイコン illustratorアイコン figmaアイコン xdアイコン canvaアイコン



ご要望に応じてCanvaやPOP KITなどのツールも可能です。

vsコードアイコン htmlアイコン cssアイコン jsアイコン

操作歴3ヶ月ほど。自分で実装し運営しているサイトが2つ※ あり、基礎的なコードを使ったコーディングはできます。現在も勉強中です。



web | graphic desiner

aiko tanaka

I work as a freelancer, and I can take on the following jobs: web design, writing code, graphic design, and writing explanations. I have experience working as a sales member at department stores and as a marketing member at an imported food company. Through this experience, I've learned to make designs that customers really like, and I always put their thoughts first.

my selfie


work experience

While I was in university, I worked part-time at an ad agency, creating ads for job recruitment and restaurant coupons.
After graduating, I joined an insurance company as a full-time employee at sales department.
After that, I worked as a salesperson in a department store's jewelry shop.
Now, I'm part of the marketing team at a import food company, working on various tasks like designing flyers, managing Facebook ads, and writing columns.
I've been involved in sales, marketing, and design without realizing it.

why do I start
studying design ?

When I was in junior high school, I joined an art club. I developed a strong interest in painting and design right from the start. I began to wonder how I could create designs which is chosen from people.

I started by making posters, ad banners, and more on my own, but I wanted to dig deeper into design. So, I decided to study design seriously at "Creators Factory," a web school in Osaka.

At "Creators Factory," I took a special design course called "DESIGN GYM" to improve my skills quickly. The tutors work as professional designers. They gave me valuable feedback and advice on creating things like business cards, flyers, and websites. Now, I can create great designs.

One reason I chose this web school was because it also taught coding. Learning coding allowed me to build websites, like this portfolio you are looking at. I plan to continue learning more about coding to improve my web design abilities.

I'm good at
writing article.

I've had the experience of receiving prizes for the following:

・Writing book reviews ・Participating in local health reviews (I received gift certificates)
I regularly write articles for direct mail (DM), blogs, and curation sites, although my focus is primarily on domestic content.

I like thinking about how to make people like products more.

If you want, I can write articles in Japanese instead of using "Lorem ipsum" text.

I like talking
in english !!

It's not that I'm fluent, but I can communicate in English. I have experience working with foreign colleagues and assisting foreign customers. I can explain and ask in English if it's not too difficult.

I take online English lessons every day. Additionally, I watch many series on Netflix with English audio daily

what is the
origin of
aa design ?

I'd like to explain the name "Aa design." I named it after my foreign friend, "Ae-Ae," who always supports and encourages me. I have deep respect for her.

The pronunciation of "Aa design" is [e dizáin]. This phrase means "good design" in the Kansai dialect of Japan. It was recommended to me by one of my web school tutors who was born and raised in the Kansai region.

"Isn't it fun when you hear such a pronunciation!?"

Yes, it is. It's my favorite because it shows a Japanese touch and sounds cute. Aa design has been operating with the kind support of many people, and I hope it becomes "good design" [e dizáin] for all of you!


photoshopアイコン illustratorアイコン figmaアイコン xdアイコン canvaアイコン

I have about 5 years of practical experience. I've made job ads, coupons, and placed ads. I like to share ideas by creating mockups.

For web design, I mainly use Figma and XD. If you prefer, I can also use tools like Canva or POP KIT based on your needs.

vsコードアイコン htmlアイコン cssアイコン jsアイコン

I've been using it for about 3 months. I have two websites for which I've written the code myself. One of these websites is my portfolio site. (This site)
Right now, I can only write simple and basic code, but I plan to continue learning and improving.


I have a blog, and I can probably help you update it.